Wednesday, October 25, 2017


1. These are the examples of the theory of virtue, except…
  1. Wisdom
  2. Justice
  3. Arrogant*
  4. Hard working

2. Things that needs to be prevented to create etiquette inside a good business is to prevent the 5C behavior, except…
  1. Conspiracy
  2. Coalition*
  3. Collusion
  4. Connection

3. Which one of these that NOT includes in principles and benefits if Good Corporate Governance (GCG)…
  1. Accountability
  2. Corruption, collusion, nepotism*
  3. Transparency
  4. Responsibility

4. Public sector accounting  technic is build up on these,except…
  1. Budgetary accounting
  2. Commitment accounting
  3. Credit accounting*
  4.  Cash accounting

5. The sanctions of violation of ethics is classified as smale scale of      sanction, better understood as mistake that can be “forgiven” is called…
  1. Social sanction*
  2. Criminal sanction
  3. Civil sanction
  4. Administration sanction

 6. Independence of public accountant includes several aspects, except…
  1. Mental behavior independence
  2. Appearance independence
  3. Profession independence
  4. Social independence*

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