Tuesday, December 13, 2016



1. Mention the parts of a business letter! Explain them shortly!
2. Mention the style of a business letter! Explain then shortly!
3. What kinds of information that you can get from inquiry letter?
4. Complete the sentences in this letter. Use the word below!
·      response
·     enclose
·    apply
·   in
·     curriculum vitae
·      position
·     graduated
·    forward
·   interview
·     resource

Mikail Peter
Jl Malaka I
Jakarta 15670
Tel: 207 856 1199

March 1, 2012

Human (a) resource Director
 Kauffman Equipment, Inc.
Shangrilla 112

Dear Sir/ Madam:

With reference to your advertisement (b) in Today’s issues of Kompas, I would like to (c) apply for the (d) position of an Administration staff in your firm. I herewith take the liberty of tendering my application as a candidate for the post you offered.

I am eighteen years old and have (e) graduated from senior High School. I have fair knowledge of office administration and I can speak English as well. I also used to take computer course so that I can use computer with accuracy and speed.

For you further information, I (f) enclosed a copy of my certificate, (g) curriculum vitae, and a recent photograph.

I would be very grateful if you could give me an opportunity of an (h) interview . I look (i) forward. to having your (j) response .

Yours faithfully,


 Mikail Peter


1. Part of Business Letter :
    a. Heading : The heading contains the return address with the date on the last line. Sometimes
                         it is necessary to include a line before the date with a phone number, fax number,
                         or e-mail address.

    b. Recipient’s Address : This is the address you are sending your letter to.

    c. Salutation : The salutation (or greeting) in a business letter is always formal.

    d. The Body : The body is the meat of your letter. For block and modified block letter formats,
                           single space and left justify each paragraph.

    e. Complimentary Close : The complimentary close is a short and polite remark that ends your

    f. Signature Line : Skip at least four lines after the close for your signature, and then type out
                                  the name to be signed.

    g. Enclosure : If you have any enclosed documents, such as a resume, you can indicate this by
                           typing “Enclosures” one line below the listing.

2. Stlye of Business Letter
    a. Block/Full Block
        -Most common style of a business letter that the entire letter written justified to the left.
    b. Semi Block
        -Least used style of business letter that each paragraph is intended instead justified to the left.

3. Information that you can get in an inquiry letter
    a. The sender’s contact info
        -Usually placed at the beginning of the letter so the destinationcan easily contact the sender.
    b. The company contact info
        -The destination of the inquiry letter written afer the sender’s contact info

    c. The sender’s portofolio resume
        -Usually explained in the body part of the letter in purpose to show the company if he/she is
         suitable in a position that the company was offering.