Mention the parts of a business letter! Explain them shortly!
Mention the style of a business letter! Explain then shortly!
What kinds of information that you can get from inquiry letter?
Complete the sentences in this letter. Use the word below!
· response
· enclose
· apply
· in
· curriculum vitae
· position
· graduated
· forward
· interview
· resource
Mikail Peter
Jl Malaka I
Jakarta 15670
Tel: 207 856 1199
E-mail: mpeters@yahoo.com
March 1, 2012
Human (a) resource Director
Kauffman Equipment, Inc.
Shangrilla 112
Dear Sir/ Madam:
With reference to your
advertisement (b) in Today’s issues
of Kompas, I would like to (c) apply
for the (d) position of an
Administration staff in your firm. I herewith take the liberty of tendering my application as a candidate for the post you
I am eighteen years old and have (e) graduated from senior High
School. I have fair knowledge of office administration and I can speak English
as well. I also used to take computer course so that I can use computer with
accuracy and speed.
For you further information, I (f) enclosed a copy of my certificate, (g) curriculum vitae, and a recent
I would be very grateful if you
could give me an opportunity of an (h)
interview . I look (i) forward.
to having your (j) response .
Yours faithfully,
Mikail Peter
1. Part of Business Letter :
a. Heading : The heading contains the return address with the date on the last line. Sometimes
it is necessary to include a line before the date with a phone number, fax number,
or e-mail address.
b. Recipient’s Address : This is the address you are sending your letter to.
c. Salutation : The salutation (or greeting) in a business letter is always formal.
d. The Body : The body is the meat of your letter. For block and modified block letter formats,
single space and left justify each paragraph.
e. Complimentary Close : The complimentary close is a short and polite remark that ends your
f. Signature Line : Skip at least four lines after the close for your signature, and then type out
the name to be signed.
g. Enclosure : If you have any enclosed documents, such as a resume, you can indicate this by
typing “Enclosures” one line below the listing.
2. Stlye of Business Letter
a. Block/Full Block
-Most common style of a business letter that the entire letter written justified to the left.
a. Block/Full Block
-Most common style of a business letter that the entire letter written justified to the left.
b. Semi Block
-Least used style of business letter that each paragraph is intended instead justified to the left.
-Least used style of business letter that each paragraph is intended instead justified to the left.
Information that you can get in an inquiry letter
a. The sender’s contact info
-Usually placed at the beginning of the letter so the destinationcan easily contact the sender.
b. The company contact info
-The destination of the inquiry letter written afer the sender’s contact info
c. The sender’s portofolio resume
-Usually explained in the body part of the letter in purpose to show the company if he/she is
suitable in a position that the company was offering.
a. The sender’s contact info
-Usually placed at the beginning of the letter so the destinationcan easily contact the sender.
b. The company contact info
-The destination of the inquiry letter written afer the sender’s contact info
c. The sender’s portofolio resume
-Usually explained in the body part of the letter in purpose to show the company if he/she is
suitable in a position that the company was offering.